Discussing my “Close Friendship with Joan As Police Woman” Featuring Story Video. 🇺🇸❤️

Close Friendship Story about Hollie and Joan.

Edgy On FilmEpisode 5Joan As Police WomanClose Friendship Story” in more detail for everyone asking. Thank-you for being interested with this Topic in my life. Everyone’s kindness/support means ever so much- also hope this has answered everyone’s questions.

So for a longtime I have been wanting to tell the world this story however wrong timing, but now it’s all okay cause I’m in the Music Scene. After years-years I have finally open up about my close friendship with Joan not only is she a superstar, she is my best friend. This video is so important to me because it was when Joan’s Music (the day I met Joan) changed my life. For sure it feels on top of the world to be sharing this Story. After many years of working/building the self courage to finally do it.

Doing this insight video telling the story really was the best idea that I have probably decided to do -when it comes down to production because Joan’s Music literally is my entire life being a young fan from the age of 12. To now 26 still supporting, listening, watching caring still going. Over the last couple of years from leaving College & School reflecting on life having Joan by my side through it all. Everyday feels like Christmas accept there’s no santa Joan’s giving & receiving presents back an fourth from each other. Life for me has never been any better also this is the most happiest I have ever been -In my entire life. Telling the world whilst blossoming behind the scenes of my current song-writing as everything falls into places.. it’s the right time for sure.

And I mean it when I say that. Some people view famous people as this or that whatever reality is that are just like you and- me just with a bigger job. That doesn’t define them, who they are or justify anything. We are all people out here just living life & many things make us different.

Creating this production & ‘Storyline’ highlighting what’s important between me and Joan how long we’ve been friends what we both get up to telling the public this story it has taken a lot of self courage of course. Because nowadays not only am I still helping/representing as a friend I’m all in for Joan of course with her Music.

As we all know in my spare time I help & promote Joan out of love like I said in the video I do it because I love her many of my close friends know this. Either way doing this video of our backstory was so much fun & personally I’m glad taking my time when putting this together.

Hollie May
Joan Wasser (Joan As Policewoman) & Hollie May back in 2006. Meeting Joan in Conventry in an Art Gallery where she performed.

Not only is this the last video! I have done for Joan the production creating also putting this video together. It had to be done needed to be done! I’m so thrilled that I have done it at last consider been building up towards this point. Am just ever so happy to it’s finally here all to watch!

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